Hair – to wash or not to wash?

Does frequent washing damage your hair?


So here’s a question! How often do you wash your hair?


The reason I ask is because I wash mine pretty much every day, and everyone I know says that’s bad. It’s not that I’m a clean freak, or that I love buying shampoo. I just can’t seem to get any more than two days out of clean hair!


I’m blonde / light brown and I find when it gets greasy (during day two), it becomes really obvious! I work in a corporate environment and would be meeting clients a lot, so it’s not a great impression to be making when you can cook your dinner on my head!

I’m also fairly active (or try to be) and aim to go to the gym or something similar 4 -5 times a week. So after sweating my brains out the first thing I do is hop in the shower, and that includes washing my hair. The thought of not washing my hair after a gym session would never cross my mind.

My hair seems to be in reasonable condition, I don’t suffer from breakages or shedding to any alarming degree so there’s no damage that I can see. I wouldn’t always dry my hair, usually leave it to air dry at least twice a week and I wouldn’t always use heat to style it (all hail the trusty “messy bun”). I’d be good about using a hair mask or hair oil once a week, I’m not loyal to any particularly brand or product but would try and put some kind of treatment in. So I don’t think the frequent washing is causing any problems. But all I hear is that it’s very bad to wash your hair so often!

So let me know your thoughts! How often do you wash your hair? If you don’t wash your hair after a gym session what do you do? Do you think I’m damaging my hair or do you think I’m ok? I’m really interested to know what you think!