Not another beauty blog…

So here we are, another beauty blog adding to the long line of beauty bloggers. As product junkies and avid followers of the beauty bloggers already out there, we know better than anyone how full this market already is. However, we’ve noticed a growing trend of bloggers becoming more and more affiliated with brands, with “real” reviews becoming harder to find. Not everyone can afford to be buying the latest “must have” beauty product from high end brands so when it comes to parting with your hard earned cash, it is important to know that you can trust reviews that you are reading.

That’s our objective.

As self-confessed beauty addicts, with no professional beauty or makeup training, we want to share our experiences with the products we buy. As “normal” people ourselves, with limited time, budgets, and a wealth of skin issues and complaints, we hope that our trials and tribulations will be of some help.

If nothing else, we hope we might at least be entertaining!

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